Difference between a web site and blog - Host a blog or a web site its your choice
In the beginning was HTML, and while it was rather ugly, it was good overall. It allowed anyone with a modicum of skill to create Web sites, producing both good content and attractive presentation of that content. Toss in a few links and you could even weave pages together into a comprehensive site.
The problem was that it was darn tedious, and to this day, it's still fairly tedious to create Web sites, to take the skeleton or template of a page and customize it for a specific page of content, to update the navigational subsystem to ensure that the new page is known, and to maintain now-necessary features like a sitemap.
It's no surprise that more and more sophisticated tools appeared on the scene, starting with FrontPage and self-referential Web-based Web page editors (think homepage builders) and evolving into the powerful Dreamweaver and GoLive expensive commercial solutions for managing Web content.
These tools allow you to create beautiful sites with compelling content, but they don't allow neophytes or non-technical people to maintain content or add new content. And so even with these sophisticated tools, most Web sites are static creations, and most companies view their Web sites as digital brochures. Sure, it might be more sophisticated with a Flash navigational system, or might feature a discussion board or other community involvement element, but it's very rare for a traditional Web site to be updated more frequently than once every month or two.
And if I had a dollar for each person who told me that he doesn't update his Web site because he has to send his requests to a Webmaster, who then queues it up for weeks or months before actually making the change, I'd be a wealthy writer!
Meanwhile, in the Blogosphere
In parallel to the development of Web technologies and tools, the ability to interact with others was gaining popularity; the first widespread example is the now-crufty guestbook. You can still find zillions of these through Google, but they were only a stepping stone to more sophisticated online discussion systems. The next step was discussion boards, also known as bulletin board systems.
Meanwhile, some smart developers were realizing that the Web-based Web page editors coupled with guestbooks could create very nice tools for letting non-tech users add new content to their Web pages. Logically, this technique was first used as online diaries and journals, creating a system that time-stamped entries and showed them most commonly in a most-recent-first format. Perfect for teen angst, Web-based logs of entries--Weblogs--caught on in some circles and grew quickly.
As they became more popular, however, blogging tools also evolved at a breakneck pace, to where new entries (articles) would automatically be placed on their own standalone Web pages and also featured on the main page of the site until supplanted by newer material. This was an important evolution because it meant that Weblog tools had morphed, perhaps without anyone noticing, from diaries into true content-management systems.
Fast forward to the current generation of Weblog tools; they are indeed quite powerful and capable tools for managing even the largest and most complex Web sites. Further, because they're quite flexible, working off page templates just as Dreamweaver and its ilk do, sites that use blogging tools as the back end can present their data using common blog conventions (which I'll get to in a moment) or eschew all the standard approaches, using the tool as a way to simplify management of what appears to be a more traditional Web site.
The Essence of Blogging
The real value of blogging isn't the capability of the tool, but the ability for each and every page on the site, each and every article, to invite and display feedback from readers--comments, as they're called in the blogging world. This is a dramatic difference because it changes a monologue, a "brochure," into a dialogue with readers or customers.
Indeed, often the most compelling reading on a Weblog are the comments that others leave and the debate that often ensues as people add their two cents and disagree with each other.
While there are no blog police and no laws stating that a site must have certain capabilities to truly be a Weblog, it is nonetheless true that most blogs allow comments, timestamp their articles, show them in newest-to-oldest order, and have an RSS feed--a rudimentary way for people to subscribe to the content of a Weblog in a specifically designed RSS aggregator, rather than forcing them to revisit the site with any sort of frequency.
Behind the Scenes
Where blogging really shines is when you look behind the scenes at how blogging tools actually work. In a way that's far more sophisticated than Web page development tools, blogs really let you separate the content from the presentation; if you want to focus on presentation, you can edit template files, but if you're just interested in maintaining existing content or adding new content, you can focus on that, too.
In my opinion, this separation of content from presentation is a wonderful reason to consider using a blog as the foundation of your entire Web site. Being able to focus on the words--on what you want to say, on your content--is not only a wonderful relief (no worrying about breaking HTML with an edit hiccup!) but lowers the barrier of entry for new Web site creators/bloggers to almost zero. If you can write an email message, you can bookmark a Weblog entry page, create content, and manage a Web site. Just add water!
There's an even better reason why blogs are compelling replacements for Web sites: Search engines positively love Weblogs because they're content-centric and because they're typically updated with great frequency. Put those together and it's true that organizations with Weblogs are far more findable than those with just a Web site.
Remember, if you aren't updating your site, you're gradually becoming harder to find as newer, more compelling, more up-to-date content is bubbling up in the Google search results.
Just Drink the Kool-Aid Already
Seriously, I now find myself in the situation where I'm far more focused on how I can ensure that the owners of a Web site have as much control as possible, without giving them the ability to break things. That's hard to do with existing Web site tools, but remarkably easy with blogging tools. Even if you aren't a devotee of blogging and believe it's a fad (tip: it's not), I still encourage you to learn more about blogs as a way to reinvent your Web site and make maintenance, updates, and adding new content far, far easier.
The following quotes from the responses to this open question summarize the majority of the responses.
"It's much more casual, less stuffy than a traditional 'business' website. It is more conversational and in the moment than a static site. Enabling blog like features into a corporate site would be pricey."
"A blog enables me to easily update information and put a 'human' face on my company. It enables me to connect directly with stakeholders. Websites don't have the flexibility the blog format does."
"Get content up and running immediately, without involving web experts. Chat with customers, rather than tell them things we want them to know."
"Communicate, interact, discuss, share, build and grow your relationships with customers and prospects and thought leaders in your industry. A website is static, rigid. By comparison a blog is flexible, modifiable, current. That precipitates a conversation, a sharing of ideas and knowledge with peers. A website kills the conversation. It says' here's the information, take it or leave it.' A blog allows discussion, a partnership."
"Allows us to develop a marketing center of excellence, where we're able to compile a resource of information for our prospects and customers."
"Our web site is more product and company-focused, and a blog allows us to interact more with our intended audience."
"Update quickly and easily because I have the freedom to do this without IT and without needing approval of Sr. officers."
"Update on a regular basis - participate in industry related discussions - 'real time' marketing."
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Wanna start your web site for free? - Web hosting tips and guide
Can you really get FREE web hosting?
Yes, there are hundreds of free hosting web sites, as far as not having to pay any money to have your website hosted. Generally they either cost you in time, web hosting restrictions, or modifying your free web pages by adding popups, banners, or other adverts. When looking for free web hosting (especially on search engines), you should beware that there are also a large number of commercial web hosts that claim to offer free hosting services, but those often have a catch, such as paying an excessive amount for a domain name or other service, and therefore aren't really free. The free free hosting guide below will give you some tips for finding the right free webhosting comapny for you.
How do the free web hosts make money?
The free website hosts often make money in other ways, such as putting banners, popups, or popunders ads on your free webpages. Some free web hosting companies do not put ads on your site, but require you as the webmaster to click on banners in their control panel or signup process, or just display banners in the file manager in hopes you will click them. Some lure visitors with free hosting in hopes you will upgrade and pay for advanced features. A few send you occasional emails with ads, or may even sell your email address. A new method that is becoming popular is requiring a certain number of "quality" forum posting, usually as a means of getting free content for them and thereby being able to display more ads to their website visitors.
Are free web hosts reliable?
Generally no, although there are a few exceptions. If the free host is making money from banner ads or other revenue sources directly from the free hosting service, then they likely will stay in business, provided someone doesn't abuse their web hosting server with spam, hacking, etc., as often happens to new free web hosting companies with liberal signup policies. If the freehost accepts just anyone, especially with an automated instant activation and it offers features such as PHP or CGI, then some users invariably try to find ways to abuse it, which can cause the free server to have a lot of downtime or the free web server to be slow. It is best if you choose a very selective free hoster which only accepts quality sites (assuming you have one).
Uses for free webspace
Free web hosting is not recommended for businesses unless you can get domain hosting from an ad-free host that is very selective. Other reasons for using free hosting websites would be to learn the basics of website hosting, have a personal website with pictures of your family or whatever, a doorway page to another web site of yours, or to try scripts you have developed on different web hosting environments.
How to find the right free web hosting site
The best place to search for free webhosting is on a free webspace directory website (i.e. a web site which specializes in listing only free web hosting providers). There are some which add new free hosts pretty much every week (and if it is updated often, has usually had to delete about as many). There are also many which almost never update their web site, and a huge percent of their links and info are outdated. Unfortunately that includes most of the directories that were the best several years ago. The problem is free hosts change so often, and most fold up in less than a year (often even after only a day or two), that it is hard to keep such a freehosting directory up-to-date. The most recommended free web space directory is Free Web Hosting (http://www.free-webhosts.com/), which has a detailed list of over 500 free web hosting providers with user reviews, ratings, and free hosting searchable database. It is updated daily, and the advanced free web hosting search has 42 options, helping you to find the free hosting package with all the features you need, such as CGI, PHP, MySQL, ASP, SSI, Ruby on Rails, FrontPage server extensions, and even free cpanel web hosting.
For a smaller, more selective list of the best free hosts, there are also these free webspace hosting directories:
Best Free Webspace (http://www.100-Best-Free-Webspace.com/)
Free Hosting (http://www.Absolutely-Free-Hosting.com/)
Free Webspace (http://www.free-webspace.org/)
Other (usually less useful) resources include subcategories of freebies sites, search engines and directories, and forums. Your ISP might also supply you with free webhosting.
Hints for finding the best free web hosting service
Generally it is best not to choose a free hosting package with more features than you need, and also check to see if the company somehow receives revenue from the free hosting itself to keep it in business. As already mentioned, it is best to try to get accepted to a more selective free host if possible. Look at other sites hosted there to see what kind of ads are on your site, and the server speed (keep in mind newer hosts will be faster at first). Read the Terms of Service (TOS) and host features to make sure it has enough bandwidth for your site, large webspace and file size limit, and any scripting options you might need. Read free webspace reviews and ratings by other users on free hosting directories. If you don't have your own domain name, you might want to use a free URL forwarding service so you can change your site's host if needed.
Recommended free web hosts
It would be awfully hard to recommend any free web space host and someone not like it, as different people need different web hosting features and have different priorities, and the webhosting quality may change over time. Also some people want free domain hosting (you own the domain), and others might not be able to buy a domain name. Here are some of the most recommended free web hosts, and their main features.
50Webs (http://www.50webs.com/) gives you a URL such as http://you.50webs.com/ (or you can use your own domain name), and offers 60 MB webspace, POP3 email, and unlimited bandwidth. You can upload via a file manger or FTP import. There are no ads or popups placed on your hosted web pages. You can setup multiple addon domains and subdomains under the same web hosting account.
Yahoo Geocities (http://geocities.yahoo.com/home/) is controversial. Many people hate the ads they put on your site or its other limitations, but it is one of the oldest and most reliable free web hosts. Your URL looks like http://www.geocities.com/you . They give you 15 MB webspace, file manager and editor, web-based Email, and statistics. The bandwidth limit is 3 GB/month, and the file size limit is 5 MB. You can upload several file types such as RealAudio, RealVideo, Flash, MP3, and Java, but other scripting is not supported.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Definitions of Webhosting (Start Your Web Site from Hear)- Basic Concepts
# The World Wide Web is a massive collection of web sites, all hosted on computers (called web servers) all over the world. The web server (computer) where your web site's html files, graphics, etc. reside is known as the web host. Web hosting clients simply upload their web sites to a shared (or dedicated) webserver, which the ISP maintains to ensure a constant, fast connection to the Internet.
# providing space on Internet servers for the storage of World Wide Web sites which can be accessed by others through the network. This service is usually offered by ISPs or web hosting specialists.
# websites are composed of a multitude of computer files that reside on a server. That server hosts the website.
# An arrangement where you allow an agency to host your website for you on their Web Server for a fee.
# A service that is offered to piggy back a website construction, for those who would like to have a presence on the World Wide Web and do not have their own domain set-up on the Internet. It may display information about their company or organization in the form of Web pages. One does not need a computer or Internet access to be hosted.
# A Web hosting company is a company that specialises in hosting Web sites for other companies on their computers. Typically an ISP also offers Web-hosting services.
# A services that stores your information (or website) on a server, allowing it to be accessed by users on the Internet.
# A service enabling a person or company to store Web pages on the hosting provider's servers.
# Operating a server for another company or individual. Web pages can also be hosted, stored, and taken care of on a server.
# Internet service providers offer web hosting to customers looking for an internet presence for there family and small business.
# Web hosting (also known as Webhosting, Web site hosting, and hosting) is the business of housing, serving, and maintaining files for one or more Web site. Also see Hosting
# Web hosting is a service that provides Internet users with online systems for storing information, images, video, or any content accessible via the web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server they own for use by their clients as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center. Web hosts can also provide data center space and connectivity to the Internet for servers they do not own to be located in their data center.
# providing space on Internet servers for the storage of World Wide Web sites which can be accessed by others through the network. This service is usually offered by ISPs or web hosting specialists.
# websites are composed of a multitude of computer files that reside on a server. That server hosts the website.
# An arrangement where you allow an agency to host your website for you on their Web Server for a fee.
# A service that is offered to piggy back a website construction, for those who would like to have a presence on the World Wide Web and do not have their own domain set-up on the Internet. It may display information about their company or organization in the form of Web pages. One does not need a computer or Internet access to be hosted.
# A Web hosting company is a company that specialises in hosting Web sites for other companies on their computers. Typically an ISP also offers Web-hosting services.
# A services that stores your information (or website) on a server, allowing it to be accessed by users on the Internet.
# A service enabling a person or company to store Web pages on the hosting provider's servers.
# Operating a server for another company or individual. Web pages can also be hosted, stored, and taken care of on a server.
# Internet service providers offer web hosting to customers looking for an internet presence for there family and small business.
# Web hosting (also known as Webhosting, Web site hosting, and hosting) is the business of housing, serving, and maintaining files for one or more Web site. Also see Hosting
# Web hosting is a service that provides Internet users with online systems for storing information, images, video, or any content accessible via the web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server they own for use by their clients as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center. Web hosts can also provide data center space and connectivity to the Internet for servers they do not own to be located in their data center.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Web Hosting Provider DreamHost Blocks Googlebot on Client Sites
Web hosting provider DreamHost has blocked Googlebot on some of its customer’s sites, it was reported in the Search Engine Journal (http://www.searchenginejournal.com) this week. The report suggests the owner of a Romanian website, Zoso.ro, was sent an email by DreamHost suggesting that its high traffic sites must block the Googlebot.
According to the report, the email sent to Zoso.ro read, “This email is to inform you that a few of your sites were getting hammered by Google bot. This was causing a heavy load on the webserver, and in turn affecting other customers on your shared server. In order to maintain stability on the webserver, I was forced to block Google bot via the .htaccess file.”
DreamHost is carbon neutral host that caters for around 500,000 domains. The company offers a range of shared and dedicated hosting options, alongside services such as domain registration. According to the company’s website DreamHost is owned entirely by its employees.
According to the report, the email sent to Zoso.ro read, “This email is to inform you that a few of your sites were getting hammered by Google bot. This was causing a heavy load on the webserver, and in turn affecting other customers on your shared server. In order to maintain stability on the webserver, I was forced to block Google bot via the .htaccess file.”
DreamHost is carbon neutral host that caters for around 500,000 domains. The company offers a range of shared and dedicated hosting options, alongside services such as domain registration. According to the company’s website DreamHost is owned entirely by its employees.
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